I worked with Win until now but at my new Job I have to code with Mac.
Any tips as for what I have to know when working with Mac?

  • 2
    Get used to never seeing a "not responding" window!
  • 1
    Yeah, the keyboard layout is totally different and cmd + space instead of super key when ya going for launching apps.

    Also Alfred is one of the few apps worth the extra penny.
  • 2
    @byte-me I'm used to this already with Win, thanks ;)
    If you have good hardware and know how to monitor the health of your PC Win is not that bad. Most problems I had were hardware and had nothing to do with Win.
  • 0
    @Dollique you have real shell so RICE IT UP. Like seriously, you can make your shell a mother fucking monster
  • 0
    You’ll get used to it.
  • 0
    @dontPanic I'm not really used to command lines. Is She'll something like PowerShell in Windows? So do everything with commands? Like sudo apt get in Linux? (only command I know)
  • 0
    @Dollique yeah, it's really useful
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