Linux on smartphones.... What do you guys think of this?


  • 6
    It seems like running Linux in a VM within Android to me.
  • 5
    Desktop environments are separate for a reason.

    Plus good luck finding ARM support on... Fucking anything.
  • 1
    I wonder if one could get by with only a terminal and keyboard as visual elements. Hmm...
  • 3
    @MissDirection is that what this is? Because I got bored a free years back and tried working with debian or Ubuntu or something on a VM on an android tablet...

    It sucked, too many layers of emulation going on, everything crawled. It wasn't worth the effort.
  • 1
    i always thought of running ssh on android, as simple as linux
  • 4
    Awesome idea but..... Android runs on top of Linux already...
  • 1
    @linuxxx which one is the best ssh application available on store ??
  • 1
    @jalebiBhai imo JuiceSSH!
  • 1
  • 1
    @jalebiBhai For android?
  • 2
    @linuxxx fuck it worked ..#juiceSSH
  • 1
    @linuxxx yes for android
  • 4
    @jalebiBhai No clue, I'd never want to program on a smartphone 😅
  • 1
    @linuxxx sometimes you just need to. Like AFD/AFL or power cutt
  • 2
    @jalebiBhai fair enough, no clue though!
  • 2
    Ssh maybe working on the phone but unless you use a BT keyboard it sucks hard to type commands on the tiny screen until you teached T9 to autocomplete most of your common commands. But then it is really fun (but don't try to answer some normal text quickly after that)
  • 0
    I'd love that, removing the fucken dalvik layer so phones don't need ridiculous amounts of of ram..😅

    But on the other hand.. which apps you run on that?

    It's kinda too late for a change there. Or the Linux needs support for apks next to "normal" apps.
  • 0
    Tbh i don't really know. But it should need some ram, it's a whole vm.
  • 0
    @goodBoiBadDev termux. Hands down.
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