
At least Linux is honest.

Maybe it's a sign that I've been working too long again... but it's nice to see some blantant, unobfuscated, basic descriptions once in awhile. I had to lookup syntax for a specific param... it's these little things that pleasantly break through and offer brief respite.

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    The person writing the docs probably wasn't the same person who added the feature
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    Adding a password to a group is retarded.

    Users can't add themselves to a group. Groups are a sysadmin tool.

    Therefore, no point in asking users for a password in something they shouldn't have access to from the beginning.
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    Linux is honest in general. Just consider when it asks you to reboot because of a kernel update. Well, it will... reboot. That's it!

    As opposed to Windows which will also claim it needs to reboot, but instead of just doing so, it also copies over tons of crap because it's shitty NeanderTal File System can't replace DLLs while they are in use. So it stores shit in some temporary location and copies it a-fucking-gain upon rebooting.
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    @electrineer in this case you're likely right. That was just what google brought up when i was checking the syntax for adding a uid range.

    That said, if you get bored/insane/desperate enough to be reading through a ton of man pages in linux, you'll likely find a bunch of commentary similar to that. I'm pretty sure that it's just a trait unique to some programmers, to start writing mildly passive aggressive docs... especially when it gets to the redundant common sense shit.

    This is another example, imo, of a similar, odd, thing ive only seen devs do. Unfortunately the original site doesn't exist anymore.
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    @Fast-Nop my biggest issue with windows or really any major os nowadays is basic, and partially the fault of society in general. Safeguards/idiot-proofing.

    People used to do shit like just unplug the whole computer from the wall instead of shutting it down... so little batteries were added along with the list of warnings.

    The age of laptops being an everyday consumer good, people started taking the batteries off... so manufacturers put extra locks on them and/or mini batteries so it wouldnt kill hardware as easily.

    Then people found out they could force shutdowns with holding the power button....

    They also started googling how to bypass things they, nor the ones posting 'answers' had any clue as to the implications of...

    Now you can't shut off most devices with the power button... but it will look like it's shut down. Everyone's their own 'administrator' and the root-like admin no longer exists... but you can't disable all the bs "safery" and "protection" without regedits.
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    As odd as this sounds (trust me, im aware) I've been professionally fixing BSODs and technically fullstack web (basic af php/dbs) for small business since age 8. 31 now so ~23yrs. So ive been fixing the issues people cause themselves since error codes were hardcoded from OEM, including a phone number to a real human in the USA, Microsoft... in hindsight it's remarkable, no rep ever called out for being a little girl.

    My mom is very educated and miraculously skilled at causing phenomenal computer issues (wizardry lvl). Father went full-time to uni(3x) for 7 years, free, all passing, til kicked out for refusing to decl a major. He claimed to know Fortran, so I taught myself from curiosity.

    Ive hidden a 2nd OS/env par on any dev of my mom's ~18yrs.

    Now, it's akin to a hate crime to call someone a dumbass for causing issues, yet weekly I get someone who's 'hacked'-- googled how to break shit. Surprise; It broke.
    Click a non-button in your OS 7x while it warns you= deserving of 'hacked'
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    Maybe I'm making myself sound even older, but I gotta ask...

    Is the term "enthusiast" still an accurate/relatively low key term to identify the horribly misguided people posting on forums, convinced that they understand what they're doing?

    Like back when youd see someone warning the world and, in their opinion, showing off their immense prowess... in something like combating the hydra-like, vicious 'malware' known as svchost?

    I recently had to figure out how to explain those people vs valid sources of insight to 2 babydevs... right after I explained why aside from strictly official sources (like w3), youtube isn't a valid resource.
    - People, even extroverts, who can/do shit well, don't tend to waste time, slowly doing it again for a free random audience, cuz theyd rather be learning/building something new.
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