Should I get a maxed out M2 MacBook Pro or a brand new entry level m3?

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    M3 isn't really any better. Go for the M2 with more RAM.
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    Apparently the memory is faster on the maxed out m2 as well as
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    M3 here
  • 1
    Yes the m3 pro got worse than the m2 pro, as they want to sell the m3 max to you. Just go with the m2 (pro) and buy more ram. You will later regret it, if you got a CPU that is maybe slightly faster, but way less RAM for the same price
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    As much as I like to hate on Apple for some things. They do two l real innovation with apple silicone and the other brands also do a lot off marketing fuckery. You just need to check everything out you are wasting a lot of money on sub par products.
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    Answer to the question is no.
  • 6
    get a decent laptop without fisherprice-OS instead.
  • 2
    Can get a "gaming" (tho I hate that label) laptop with twice the RAM, SSD slots, way more storage, better CPU, and an actual GPU for the same price...
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    @CoreFusionX And less planned obsolescence!
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