
For all Linux users that use a Terminal Multiplexer:

Which do you use? Tmux? Byobu? Screen...?

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    📌 quite interested too
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    Tmux I adopt wen I watch a hardcore python expert conference. +Vim

    I use screen to connect with serial port to CISCO, RPI, etc
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    I used screen in the early 2000s to use bitchx and later irssi/centericq, but now I use tmux heavily.
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    Tmux as the many above has said. Combined with vim and weechat it really is a nice setup
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    But, whenever I need to show off some hacky terminal to my friends or cousins for fun, I will use `byobu hollywood`
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    My use case might be different but I tend to not use multiplexers and instead use emacs for development work.
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    @bahua omg bitchx!
    That brings back sweet memories
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    @rjedlin that's my case also.
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    I usually just use the tabs inside the urxvt terminal, because I don't really need splitscreen and don't use ssh all that much.
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    i3 and tmux
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    Byobu runs on top of tmux
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    I use tmux when not using i3. I really prefer to create splits with i3 since I can open a terminal or pretty much any other program in that space.
    Also, although it has improved a lot in recent versions, copying and pasting sucks in tmux. Even with plugins it always feels overly complicated.

    So I use i3 whenever I can, and tmux in places where I'm forced to use other DEs (i.e. at work)
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    Thank you for all your answers, seems like tmux is the only option :D
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    byobu, so basically tmux with a preconf that I find more useful
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    I honestly have no idea what a multiplexer is 😅
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    @linuxxx think of it as a tiling window manager in your terminal ;-)
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    @linuxxx Whaaaaaaat? How do you not know this?
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    @linuxxx fancy word for muxing
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    @n0ah @Ashkin @bioDan So something like terminator or?
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    @linuxxx more like describing the process of streaming all input and output data through a single stream (like a terminal)

    Terminator qualifies i thunk.. But i dont really know much about terminator, is it a complete shell like cshell, or bash? If it is then i guess that it does qualify.
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    @linuxxx Yes exactly like terminator, but as a separate application, so that you can use what ever terminal emulator you like
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    @linuxxx I personaly use Alacritty as terminal emu, whitch currently does not support tabs, so I need another way to have muliple terminal apps running without having a separate window for each of them :-)

    It seams like tmux does the job for me :D
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    You have reminded me that I never actually gave tmux a try and it was really fun to play with, but I personally don't really see any use in that, so I use screen but really just for the detaching.
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    Also just discovered through some other ranter; "hyper terminal", which supports all this tmux "tiling" natively
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    tmux, always. I have it integrated with iTerm, so I can open new sessions as native tabs or windows, plus I get sessions and persistence and all that.
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