so now they even have a name for not being an idiot...

its called a "composible" architecture as apposed to a "monolith"

what if i told you it's all the same?

(i'll even throw in a bonus and say that a "microservice" architecture is still a monolith - because you need all your damn microservices working together for the full product or service anyway!!! and thats a monolith!!!!)

wow, you've "decoupled" your frontend from your backend? with this fancy thing called an "API"? well, what the hell else was anyone doing in the past decade? ITS THE SAME THING YOU DUMBASS

god i swear its 🤡 all the way down, just inventing new words for the same thing over and over again. idiots. idiots everywhere

i'm just so happy we have "composible" architectures now ❤️ thank god for that

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    I agree there’s often too much obsession with new buzzword terminology. To the point where words lose their meaning. Sometimes I prefer to just talk in plain language like ”we have a single frontend repo. And a separate repo for our content API”

    But I think the details are important. For example: what can be deployed separately. In a true monolith the entire thing is deployed at once.
  • 2
    Your rant kinda proves my point regarding most buzzwords in combination with ... Humans:
    (Still especially devs ;) )

    We need to do X.


    Cause of X and W is totally outdated.

    What does X mean?

    X means Y, totally easy peasy.

    Why is Y better?

    I said already.

    Na. You said shit, you motherfucking perroquet. You just babbled along whatever fucking bullshit you read after jerking your bored mind out of your skull.
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    Insults seem to be pretty composible. You certainly do not need all insults there is to describe those buzzwordy human piles of sycophant shit all around.
    But sometimes we gotta make an effort, for completeness' sake.
    So make sure to insult those fuckers with every single diss and cuss there is, they deserve to be a monolith.
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    @jiraTicket but even there, does 'monolith' even mean that it has to do with how the application is deployed? see, that's already the problem of these stupid words. all wikipedia gives me is "In software engineering, a monolithic application is a single unified software application which is self-contained and independent from other applications, but typically lacks flexibility" even THAT sentance can be interpereted a million ways
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