  • 8
    git checkout -b fix-shit && git commit -m "invert if-statements and use early returns to reduce nesting" && git push
  • 5
    Now if that was a 418, I would accept this are art.
  • 1
    Let's fix this, @C0D4
  • 2
    Actual modern art.
  • 3
    great, now I have post traumatic maintenance anxiety...
  • 0
    Look at the picture, ten thousand grass mud horses galloping past in my heart。
  • 1
    Is that you, @scor, watching that piece of art unfold in front of your eyes?

    By the way, res is the response object to the viewers of this code. The code is right at least in this regard
  • 1
    one day this sort of design will be considered a crime.
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