
Guys, did u think that devrant is a hybrid-app?

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    a what?
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    Ye cause its buggy and slow, i noticed
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    @Eqb8 No dedicated app like chrome, facebook and all others 😎 A hybrid-app is based on html, css and js. (Take a look onto apache cordova if u wanna see it)
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    @Christian1998 Ah, I know what you mean I just never heard the term before :)
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    Actually, yes, it is. It was built with Appcelerator and Titanium. So it basically runs on a browser which would explain why it is buggy and slow in some cases. To me its meh, i have a pretty good connection and a pretty decent phone so it works pretty good for me.
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    @AleCx04 it's just appcelorator titanium. I think native source code is generated from the javascript, but it's a scripting language translated into a compiled language which is why it's probably slow. correct me if I'm wrong @dfox/@trogus
  • 7
    It is not an HTML hybrid app, but JS that gets built as native code through Appcelerator/Titanium. Has some serious limitations and issues, but with one dedicated dev, we don't have the resources to build two different native frontends
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