
So I found a course that shows how to make purely procedural animation for characters. The demo on youtube was pretty amazing. It is like 9 hours of coursework. I am expecting some good information from this. The course is for Unreal 5. I intend on extrapolating the relevant data to use with Godot.

I started watching the videos and everything is being done in blueprints. Not sure what I was expecting. The goal is to do procedural animation in Godot. The logical place to start is to install Unreal 5 so I can learn the blueprints and transfer that knowledge to Godot. Kinda funny. Yet another launcher I "get" to install.

The goal is reduce the artwork pipeline. If I can rig characters correctly I am hoping I can share animation procedures and not have to spend hours keyframing animations. Also, code that moves stuff is cool. I genuinely want to know how to make that work. No idea if the goal is achievable.

The course:

  • 0
    Just found 3 more courses for 3D modeling for cheap. One of the courses is like 250 hours! Holy hell. Gonna watching videos for a "while".
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