this isn't even a tech thing. it just fucking bamboozled me. I overheard a conversation today.

> "duuuude you gotta make a better password that shit is insecure af"

> "bruh i did, i googled it"

> "googled what?"

> "how to make a good password"

> "so how longs your password?"

> "not long, it's bob2"

> "where's your capital?"

> "I made the '2' capital"

> "so you capitalized a number…"

thank god he walked away. he even told him his fucking password. ignorance.

  • 4
    @ThatDude I'd think he meant bob@
  • 3
    @ewpratten does the " character show up when you press shift + 2 on EU keyboard?
  • 1
    For me shift + 2 gives 2

  • 0
    Since shift+2 gives different output on different keyboard layouts, I am thinking that same guy coming back to you and telling that his password works only in some countries(asumming he travelled and tried logging in using different keyboard layouts) and boost about how secure it is.
  • 2
    @matsaki95 On German (and Swedish I guess, @ThatDude) keyboards shift + 2 is ".
  • 1
    @ThatDude Not all of them apparently (see @matsaki95's comment) ;)
  • 0
    Soo it's bobTwo ? Still way too short...
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