
Today, i have never been embarrassed like this in my life.

I started onboarding sessions with this guy. We were on teams call. It was a knowledge transfer session. Hes explaining how the system works. Then tells me which programs to install.

I was searching through allowed programs to install. Installed notepad++ (who tf uses that in 2024?) Installed snaggit. Then had to install putty. Instead of writing putty i unconsciously without thinking wrote pussy


he then said "yea you can find that too but not on this website lmfaoooooo🤣😹😹😹😹"



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    muscle memory kicked in at the right time :D
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    I still use Notepad++ for fast loading large data files, quick edits to config files, and for detecting stuff like NUL chars.

    My ex-PM once typed a URL starting with P on his personal laptop whilst screen sharing shared screen and guess which search suggestion came up hahaha. It was just a fraction of a second and I was the only one who noticed xD
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    underage putty though, am I right, Bryant? This is what you're after?
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    The fact that the S key is not close enough to the T key to make this a typo makes this 10x as embarrassing lol.

    Also who uses PuTTY anymore? Just use ssh in windows terminal
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    N++ ftw ... couldn't live without it

    @AlgoRythm who uses PuTTY? for example:

    a) anyone who needs logging

    b) anyone connecting to various flavors of systems and need to be able to have different key maps per session (looking at you ^H and VT100)

    c) super simple color setup per session

    d) serial line for anything embed
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    @qwwerty ur entire comment is cope
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    @shovethisrant just because something does not apply for you environment does not mean it's useless

    i understand, if all you do are standard linux servers/VMs you don't feel the need. But when working on a legacy network elements where every f*ing device behaves differently, you have 5-8 session in parallel, and everything must be logged for future auditing, PuTTY is an incredible utility
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    @qwwerty ok fair, but kinda still cope 🤷‍♂️
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    @-red vscode is free
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    @b2plane vs code could pay me and id still rarely use it.

    Notepad++ = one of the 3 editors i typicly use... others are notepad.exe and sublime text (with most shit turned off)

    PuTTY = valid for newbies or some minor gui troubleshooting if I'm forced to use an unfamiliar system
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    Still trying to find an equivalent to notepad++ on mac. I use it to open any file and see their metadata.
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