
Fun fact: “zip folder” in the UK locale of Windows is called “postcode file”.

  • 3
    Is this for real? They used autotranslate in freaking Windows?
  • 1
    Absolutely fucking doubt it, but I would never risk going close enough to something British to find out
  • 5
    @AlgoRythm I googled it and it appears to be real. Apparently other languages had the same problem but MS already fixed that.
  • 9
    As a UK local, I can confirm this absolutely is true. Also, also, css never works on any websites as our computers don’t recognise “color”
  • 1
    @IdontHaveAName use “spiffing” plugin for postcss
  • 3
    @Lensflare that’s embarrassing for Microsoft haha. I literally 100% believed this was a meme. How do you translate from English to English incorrectly!
  • 4
    @AlgoRythm easy: just omit context and the translator (human or program) has no other choice but to guess.

    Zip becomes the zip code for addresses.
    Space key becomes the key for outer space.
    Apply button in the settings screen becomes the "apply for this job" button.

    I have seen countless examples of wrong translations because the people thought that they can simply throw google translate at their app and everything is magically translated.
  • 2
    At first launch of Windows 10 start button's "new" apps listing was translated to Russian as "create"/"создать"
  • 1
    @Pogromist clear cookies, aka ясные печеньки
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