
For my next internship, i need a Linux distro, which is easy to use and which doesn't need a Lot of resources while using it in Oracle Virtualbox.
Which distro would you prefer, i think About ubuntu but I'm afraid that it would use to much of my limited resources so that it is nearly impossible to code with it.

  • 2
    Try lubuntu. It's Ubuntu with lxde which is super light weight. Looks like shit too but it works well πŸ˜„
  • 1
    If you're comfortable with Debian-derivatives, then lubuntu or xubuntu (with xfce) would probably fit the bill. If anything goes, then Arch with lxde or xfce. (or use the terminal)
  • 1
    xubuntu++ || lubuntu++
  • 0
    Aa froot said lubuntu. Linux Lite as well (I prefer Linux Lite since I have actually used it for work woth nothing but good vibes)
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