What's with devrant having spams and adverts now? 🤔

  • 5
    It is pretty strange someone decided to advertise. You can't tell me anyone is making these worth their while
  • 2
    @jestdotty we pretty much give them cancer if they look at replies.
  • 1
    @jestdotty yeah I don’t know where they’re coming from. Especially when it’s an ad for used cars in Deer Lake Missoula when no one here lives there, let alone even heard of the place. So how did an ad for Cowboy Bob’s Interstate Car Corral next to Burger King on highway 71 end up on a dev app and why is such a place even using a bot? It’s the ads for mom and pop shops that weird me out the most bc hardly anyone here is local lol
  • 2
    @TeachMeCode I wish I was wealthy to the point I could just show up at the spam places and assert dominance. Tell them to stop spamming devrant.
  • 3
    It’s just one guy with a mental disability
  • 3
    @AlgoRythm not only that. He doesn't have legs he mentioned once in a post
  • 4
    @retoor poor guy is clinically online because he physically can’t leave his computer. Forced exposure of the internet for so long has given him countless mental diseases. What a sob story
  • 0
    wait... there's adverts on devrant?

    wait again... you don't have an adblocker?
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