
Fun fact: after iPhone 4’s antennagate (iPhone 4 losing reception when you grip it hard enough) Steve Jobs and Apple didn’t screw people over. They offered free cases that fixed the issue.

  • 3
    Yeah, Apple choosing a questionable antenna design because thinner phones are so much cooler, then trying to gaslight the users about the antenna problem, and finally coming up with a rubber bumber because suddenly thin wasn't so cool anymore, gaslighting the users once again.
  • 0
    @aviophille that face. He must have done a kid or three!
  • 2
    @meaning2 Steve jobs was a fucking sociopath asshole that should not have deserved the reverence he gets.

    Dennis fucking Ritchie died the same year and he was way more significant to the whole computer science world and everyone is like "whu dat?"

  • 0
    Fun fact, after Jobs died, his doctor came out and basically said he killed himself by refusing medicine and opting for more homeopathic remedies
  • 0
    Fixing the issue would involve issuing a hardware revision and offering a free repair, not handing out a fucking $2 case that everyone already had.
  • 0
    He founded the greatest company in the history of mankind while you bunch of nobodies jack off in your mom's basements.
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