
I'm leaving my company and my boss assigned me some tasks, so is it necessary to complete all those task to get experience letter? If I can't then do I have to work extra days to finish it?

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    No. You work until your contract is over. Then you don't work.
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    @electrineer Thank u so much for clarification, cause at the last moment he raised a lot of work and may be tell me to work until its done and we're students here, don't know much about the law. Thanks for the clarification🙏
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    @electrineer you’ve got what it takes to be a lawyer
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    Don’t you have an end date if you’re leaving?
    So you work until you’ve left, and when you’ve left you no longer work.

    Don’t slack but what work gets finished gets finished. What doesn’t get finished isn’t your problem.
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    As an employee, finishing all the work you're assigned isn't your responsibility on general. If work isn't getting done on time that's obviously a problem, but it's not necessarily your problem unless you are slacking off. Contractors might not get paid if they don't deliver, but that's still entirely up to the contract and local contract law.

    Of course, your employer can always break the law in the knowledge that you can't afford a lawyer, but in this case they stand nothing to gain so it would be strange.

    IANAL, this is my understanding of how business generally works.
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    I hear piling a lot of work on leavers is pretty standard practice, since they have nothing to lose by burning you out or upsetting you they'll just try to squeeze as much profit out of you as they can. I personally think it's a dick move but in the past I always tried to keep my pace during my notice period.
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    Don't let there be a decline in quality of work, or how how hard you work until you end date but you also can't be excepted to put extra time in to make sure it's all done before you go
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