
Why do people shit on nextjs and glorify svelte what the fuck is svelte now

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    nextjs sounds like someone anticipating their next masturbatory session. Maybe I am pronouncing it wrong.

    No clue. I never used either.
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    I love svelte
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    @b2plane I tried the other frameworks and they were too much typing

    Svelte is succinct

    It gets things done without hassle

    I do have some criticisms that would make it better. But not that svelte is bad just they didn't optimize some things they could've with stuff that came before them
  • 2
    Next.js tries to solve one too many things, master at none. By the look of things like their own typeface and supporting the terrible versioning of React, I can't put cutting corners behind Vercel.

    Svelte constantly takes developer experience and small bundle sizes into consideration. Combine it with Astro and you get the ultimate pairing.

    I'm waiting for a day when web components with reactivity layer become a first-class citizen in the native web/JS and not just a boilerplate that is easily prone to errors. This might eliminate the need for frameworks entirely for me.
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    Although, it seems we already can agree on that Next.js is a shitshow, according to your rant: https://devrant.com/rants/10188423 🤷‍♂️ In that case, I'll speak about Svelte at length.

    There is one thing that puts a cross on entire Svelte ecosystem for some, despite being only a layer above - it's SvelteKit. To be fair, last two times I checked, SvelteKit is a hard to debug mess. And it doesn't even come near Next.js in feature completeness. If you need to do some serious server-side rendering, you'd better off taking a metaframework such as Astro, to make the most out of pure Svelte and your multipage application.
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    Nuxt tho
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    Wtf is svelte and why do I keep seeing it’s name pop up some where everyday
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