
I think JavaScript is great actually

Though I don't like the community

But that's not saying much, aside from maybe c++ people (who I don't actually understand so maybe that's what's going on there) I don't seem to like any communities

Mostly because they're wrong and fight over irrelevant things and don't realize they're wrong so they just keep going wrong and it makes me cringe

But javascript is nice because it's intuitive, and if it isn't intuitive to you right now just look into the thing and it'll be a second language to you later... Isn't that a skill issue?
Easy to start hard to master, perfect difficulty curve. Exploits that sunk cost fallacy. It isn't overwhelming either you only run into the edge cases slowly over time.

But there can be a point made that an easily accessible anything is just always going to turn into a cesspool because unskilled people keep contributing and thinking themselves experts, so it over time reduces quality of secondary tooling =[

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    I wouldn't really call JavaScript all that intuitive. There's some good parts to it, but there's also countless unintuitive APIs across all the browsers that keep constantly changing and being added or removed. Though I guess you can argue that's browser specific and doesn't necessarily count as pure "JavaScript"... but then again, 99% of JS will be run in a browser so dunno

    List of things I don't find intuitive at all:

    - setTimeout

    - Creating new Events using the Event constructor

    - differences between == and ===

    - Prototypes

    - Nesting functions inside functions to mimic namespaces

    - AJAX

    - Video APIs

    - Adding strings and numbers in different order

    There's probably more stuff people that work with JS often could name.

    When it comes to intuitive languages I'd always select python because it almost sounds like plain english and it's not burdened with the dumb browser wars

    probably the least intuitive is PHP for me though.
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    @Hazarth yes it has many legacy problems but it IS very easy to get started with and as you said, its mainly the apis to the browsers that keep changing.

    The language it self is mostly expanding.

    And even the strangeness of the implicit casting has a logic to it if you dig deep enough.

    Not a good logic of cause :) but there is a logic.

    Much of that is also due to the original development that if I remember was just a few weeks last minute crunch by one man Brendan Eich with little to none real analysis or planning, just getting some scripting in place for forms validation and similar, before you could modify the DOM or similar.

    Then the browser competition created a mad dash to add features and once the edge cases started to be a problem if was far to late to switch out the base, breaking tens of thousands of scripts already out there.
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    Programming languages are made for humans, not for dem computer. Since everyone is able to learn it, it's a great language. And so is python
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    JavaScript is so great but please just keep it in browser not on backend or mobile apps development
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