At what point has vscode's remote development gone from the best feature of the entire editor to barely functioning heap of shit?

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    Lapce can't hit 1.0 soon enough for me
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    What went south ?
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    @LotsOfCaffeine saaame, can't wait for it to get stable.
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    @ViRaS just... basic things not working anymore

    I open the settings menu, it's blank. Not even buttons visible.

    I open the extensions tab, it takes about 3 minutes to actually show the extensions that are installed.

    The extensions that need 3 more minutes to install, if it works at all.

    And I think all of these problems don't exist in a "normal" environment. But I'm using the remote development on a machine that doesn't have internet access, and for some reason that just seems to break things...
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    @jestdotty I think Pulsar was the successor to Atom, though I never tried it.

    I think I'll give it a shot, and maybe try lapce again. Even though it'll be difficult to get either of these on the corporate pc.
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    @LotsOfCaffeine i use pulsar from time to time, and it behaves almost exactly as atom, so i'm pretty happy about it ^^
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    well I updated my system yesterday in the night and vscode stopped linting I think

    God I don't wanna deal with it. no clue what even broke. I rebooted and stuff and if that ain't fixing it then I guess they messed up an update somewhere

    I'm not even a fan of this editor 😒
    I have zero motivation to care to fix it
    *eternally salty about atom*
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