My professor asked my to write a method that recursively reversed() a linked list. Wrote an iterative version with the same name and called it in the recursive method. How I felt after she wrote 100 for my presentation...

  • 6
    LOL! professors ! I had fooled many professors in my day, my colleague actually managed to get a reward of some kind from his College when he built a forum website using Drupal with just a few clicks, for his final project.
  • 7
    I remember as a freshman freaking out about writing code, my buddy and I swore off stackoverflow; thought we were plagiarizing. Boy were we naïve 😭😭
  • 5
    Bah, that was nothing. A friend of mine got top notch grades on his bachelor's thesis even though he suggested smoke signals or magic as means to establish a secure wireless communication between two devices.
  • 1
    Aren't smokesignals very vulnerable to spoofing? ;) So, besides his point making absolutely no sense, it was also incorrect. @siljamicke
  • 1
    @Lukas to be fair, I think he made the remark that you can easily listen in on the communication. But using a proper encryption scheme, shouldn't it be possible to use it as a secure wireless channel? However the off the shelf support for smoke signalling usb dongles is limited to say the least... Not to mention poor transfer speeds... And service outage from soaking the devices in water due to setting of the sprinkler systems. I'm building up a rage just thinking about it again!!
  • 1
    Hahaha...you made my day :D @siljamicke
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