
Dumb as a rock...
Pet rocks...
Why people so dumb to be dumb as a rock and have pet rocks?

Yet people have computers which basically have a math rock that runs the system. People think computers are smart so they defer to things like online data and ai systems. As if the computer somehow "knows" better. The R2D2 effect. Fancy magic 8 balls.

Society is dumber than a rock. Seems to be getting dumber too. The irony is that people who had pet rocks also went outside and touched grass.

  • 4
    What did rocks do to you? Also, not all rocks are the same
  • 3
    to be honest, looking at most of our species, computers ARE smarter and DO know better.

    but then again, looking at most of our species, so does the garden-variety rock.

    but i have to disagree: people aren't getting dumber. it's just that:

    1) people are getting _more_ - increasing the absolute number and the statistical spread of stupidity

    2) with the internet, it's easier than ever before for people to broadcast their dumbness.
  • 2
  • 2
    Computer are rocks. We tortured them with furnaces until they learned how to use electricty to "think"
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