
I can't believe I am 22 and doing a job. In my mind I'm just a college going student. I don't know why I am not growing mentally. It's just me or anyone also feel this? Maybe I should go to some therapist? I don't feel like I'm in professional life.

  • 5
    it's completely normal. unless you _aren't_ actually going forward in life, it will _always_ feel a certain amount of new and unfamiliar - because it _is_
  • 2
    Take it easy, a lot of your peers might still be going to college and as long as your enjoying your job & life. No need to worry.
  • 2
    22 is still just a kid
  • 2
    the adults are more childish than you think

    it can actually get stupid bad
  • 2
    You're only 22. I hear some where around 65 you start to get the hang of things.
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