
It just hit me why they called their software "nero"... cause he burned Rom(e).... Am I dumb or something? I'm using it for 5 years now

  • 14
    is that thing still alive :O
    Stopped using it years ago lol
  • 3
    @gitpush have to use it at work. Some kind of policy bullshit
  • 4
    @meretan wow good luck with that, the last I used was Nero 6 if I'm not mistaken, before they updated their UI and made it pure sht :\
  • 3
    Yeah they also had the tagline "burning ROM". I had the shareware bundled on some Chip magazine CDs and whatnot.
  • 3
    @mzeffect I know but I never connected it. Struck me today when I was holding a cd😂
  • 3
    @mzeffect childhood memories, crap.
    Chip magazine was the shit. That disc full of goodies 😍
  • 1
    @RememberMe yeah! Lots of undiscovered software for all kinds of purposes. And they had tutorials and reviews for them in the paper. And it was actually good to get the stuff from them because otherwise you needed to deal with cNet and filehippo.
  • 5
    Plain answer to the initial question :
    Yes. You took quite a while.
  • 1
    @mzeffect Oh lord yes. Those reviews got me into building and messing around with desktop PCs, so much fun!
    And yes, downloading was such a pain. Also because we had a really shitty internet connection back then.

    I actually feel like going out and getting a recent edition, just to see what they give now. It's been a while.
  • 1
    I haven't used Nero since like 2005. I haven't handled physical media since probably 2010.
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  • 2
    @dhakai I know, ist so obvious... I facepalmed so hard
  • 1
    Realized that long ago... Had no idea it still had its uses nowadays...
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