
List all the tech stack(s) you know or worked on till now. How many years of experience you have?
Just want to know where I am.

  • 9
    Too many to mention (or care to admit).
  • 7
    I did delphi.NET dude, that's the endgame. Be impressed
  • 8
    After a couple of years you'll lose count.

    So if you're still counting I'd say you're a newb.

    Welcome, we no longer have cookies 🤣
  • 3
    @retoor > "I did delphi.NET dude"

    ME TOO!! Tried to attach a screen shot, but devrant wouldn't let me.

    Here is a sample of a .bdsproj file.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>




    <Option Name="Personality">DelphiDotNet.Personality</Option>

    <Option Name="ProjectType">AspProject</Option>

    <Option Name="Version">1.0</Option>

    <Option Name="GUID">{A2BA4C5D-F843-40B8-98EC-D14F70A0B587}</Option>





    <Source Name="MainSource">MW360.dpr</Source>



    <FileVersion Name="Version">7.0</FileVersion>

  • 0
    nginx can launch js files as cgi scripts… self-hosted serverless
  • 2
    If you didn't program Turbo Pascal (DOS) or Turbo C++ (DOS) or HyperCard (Mac) then you cannot even call yourself a programmer.

    Are there any good authoring systems out there anymore? HyperCard was really fun to play with.
  • 0
    @PaperTrail aaaaaarrrgghhh
  • 2
    @retoor > "aaaaaarrrgghhh"

    And at the time, we had a weeks worth of on-site training with Xavier Pacheco, author of 'Delphi for .Net Developers'. I have signed copy of his book, somewhere.

    Ahhh..those were days.
  • 2
    the irony is you can't remember them all even if you tried

    find the meta way people build stuff then you won't notice you ever learned anything

    about the only truly important knowledge is how a computer works, everything else is just a random opinion piece on top of that
  • 0
    @PaperTrail this made me laugh. What the fuck, no way
  • 2
    - java6, tomcat, spring, karaf, centos, oracle, graylog, oracle bi, vmware, camel, osgi, jsp, javascript, bootstrap, bash, hibernate
    - java8, springboot, redis, mariadb, angular, linux, bash, jasper, bootstrap, hibernate [jpa]
    - java 8-15, elasticpath, docker, k8s, hp loadrunner, appdynamics, prometheus, grafana, splunk, alpinelinux aws, docker, redis, elasticsearch, ehcache, dynamodb, s3, oracle 11g - 12c, apigee, osgi, aurora [postgres], lots of custom tools, yourkit, ycrash, MAT, slack, gitlab
    - jmeter, java 11, azure, mariadb
    - lots of different projects with various stacks in short-term affairs [engaged to put out fires]
    - eclipse, java 8, postgres, gcp, k8s, linux, grafana, prometheus
    - ELK stack, java 11?, k8s, jmeter/k6, postgres, wiremock
    - k8s, postgres, prometheus, grafana, loki, node, java, aws, ecs, docker, dynamodb, truesight, teams, github
    - argocd, dagger, nix, java, node, apollo, graphql, postgres, aws, k8s, bitbucket, elasticpath, redis,

    <not enough chars allowed>
  • 1
    @Lensflare so glad yours was the 1st response... i havent even made a full(applicable) list for relevance with devs im working with... and it was me who thought it necessary.

    I actually think it may be less if i listed the ones i didn't know... except the catch-22 of not knowing them. I stopped keeping track of any form of knowledge/use list or stack before i was 10... so ~22yrs ago... and then it was only: html, css, c, batch, bash, DOS, SQL, fortran, some pascal, some basic binary... and a few more im forgetting and/or not sure if theyd be list-worthy or not fully competent back then, like xml...

    Ok, i gotta stop. My head's already trying to answer the OP literally.
  • 2
    @Demolishun i sent my first response to this thread before getting to your message... DOS was/is my happy place. Just anyone my age (31) is clueless to the shit i started at. I guess, in hindsight, that's to be expected when you start teching yourself programming at the age of 6... in my defence, i was bored and highly unsupervised... plus the whole autistic and too intelligent for my own good crap.

    Rationally, it's remarkable that i didn't burn a house down or something... that combo of intellect, access to resources, lack of supervision and a total lack of frame of reference... and zero insight into a frame of ref even existing... dangerous/volatile af.

    I have an original, still in the plastic wrap, copy of DOS 5.0.2 (aka my favourite OS). Found it for 2$ at a goodwill store at 16.
  • 1
    @awesomeest I found a copy of Windows 98 unopened. I never actually used a copy either. I went from 95 to 2000. Night and day.

    Nice finds!
  • 0
    @jestdotty while i agree... i also have a hard time defining the most valid level of knowledge there. I've been down too many rabbit holes, most relative ones were in my single-digit years of age. Everything between basic cli for typical operations and understanding the physical mechanisms of hardware down to the literal bits... so def past the level of creating drivers from a blank txt doc... it's all one slope of potentially plausible practicality to me.
  • 0
    @netikras u just solidified my stance and hurt my head simultaneously. Congrats, few have managed that.

    I wasn't even considering the different versions of shit... then after that level of specificity, you just drop "aws" and "linux" as if they are some small specific add-on like css2.

    There was only a few on your list(s) that i haven't used... all this thought just makes me more amazed that single language 'devs' are real... like irl not just like unicorn lvl of real as i thought a bit over a yr ago.
  • 0
    @awesomeest a man asked. I answered [partially; comment's char limits kicked in]. I think so far I'm the only one who tried to answer.

    I switched my profile twice after my java dev projects, so now there are more languages in my BAU, but I still mainly focus around java and its HotSpot JVM because I know it best. And I have PLENTY of work with it. Clients and devs are tripping on jvm's nuances like you wouldn't believe, so as long as it pays good, I don't have time for mastering other langs :)

    I can [and do] work with others. But haven't mastered 'em.
  • 0
    @netikras most 'devs' nowadays either don't realise that java isnt javascript or they assume java is the lesser/more antiquated ver of javascript.

    If you wanna talk bs nuances with jvm i got a js one...

    Back when i still immaturely assumed i should have a degree in comp sci instead of just using those hours to keep working, incl dev...

  • 0
    I had some 101 course (i think it was intro to programming, tbh not sure) that was meant to be teaching bare basics, and happened to use js. Prof was very german (so i was intially excited), literally over half the class was being tutored by me (they got together and begged me with their pocket change...i viewed it as anthropology). This sem long project that(w/o comments) was complete in 26 lines (or 24 in my case), 7/8 of the ones i tutored got b+ or higher. i got a c-. Reason: it didnt compile (was delivered compiled).
    He insisted so because i used the official, not "correct" compiler. Then gave a speech 'ud understand if you were working as a dev'

    I had the lead fullstack of the company i worked for (who owed me a major favour due to retranslating half of the german gambling/bingo website in the middle of the night, *someone* fked up) write an official letter after looking at my project (more efficient than profs code), dumping all his creds in the signature. I got a-.
  • 3
    @Demolishun my lower sixth computer science class was based on Turbo Pascal. If you're not programming with white text on a blinding blue background, you're not doing it right.
  • 1
    Whatever was needed to solve the problem at the time. Some experiments along the way but it doesn’t feel like time well spent as soon as you identify that most of the time it’s the same sort of problems that are being addressed just with different aesthetic choices.

    All we are doing is transforming information into other information so as long as you grasp the fundamentals you should be able to apply them to every language or framework, so I would not get hung up on learning a bunch of different ones. Only 6 years in though so I could be wrong.
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