One of my favourite things in JS is the absolutely cursed shit that it lets me do.

Did you know that you can return anonymous classes from functions?

  • 3
    Yes. It can also monkey patch classes and add methods to Object instances.

    Why, you ask?
    Because JS.
  • 5
    may I introduce you to the church of closures

  • 8
    I really don't see the point programming it like this. But anyway, this could be seen as a factory
  • 1
    I mean, classes are just objects...
  • 3
    @kiki I'm already a functional programmer by heart. I eat closures for every meal of the day
  • 4
    @retoor a factory that when an order comes in, a new machine to create the product is automatically generated and sent to the customer.

    It’s a factory factory.
  • 5
    By the way OP if you tried to put some horseshit like this in my code base your review would be denied and I would also fucking kill you.
  • 1
    I’m ready to puke
  • 0
    Ha! Cool. Never thought to do something like that.
  • 4
    Javascript is one of the most cursed languages out there.

    And I am here for it
  • 2
    @AlgoRythm if he were to put some shit like this in my codebase I would buy the man a beer.

    He has seen enough, the void called to him and he is trying to make others listen.
  • 1
    @AleCx04 he is the void. I’d buy him ten beers so he can’t operate a keyboard!
  • 0
    It's not exclusive to JS. It's allowed on dart/flutter too since it's actually useful sometimes. You can treat anonymous function like variable, by passing them to other widget/method, or returning them.
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    @AleCx04 there are some use cases. FP higher order function. This example returns a function whose prototype is set to an anonymous class. Before React Hooks HOC's "higher order components" were all the hype, those used a similar mechanism
  • 1
    this is actually why I loved it and moved in

    come on, it follows basic rules and they're always consistent. now you can stack these Legos any way you want. freedom!

    (also my name was actually Void on discord for a bunch of years)
  • 1
    @webketje It can also be used to implement mixins by creating locally scoped class definitions from which you only "inherit" a subset of methods
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