Today I was told I can't use the word retrofit in a sentence because I have to 'use words a nice year old would understand'

There's being an effective communicator and then there's becoming a soulless, creativity killing nazi

  • 5
    are we trying to teach the five year old to become an adult or retard them to five years old forever, boss?
  • 9
    @jestdotty my 5 year old used the word levitate instead of fly when describing the actions of her toys. This manager is less sophisticated than a 5 year old.
  • 3
    Children learn in school how to use a dictionary too.
  • 1
    I feel your pain 😞

    Was this in speech or text?

    I would say that if it is in text form - it shouldn't be a problem if people use unique words like "retrofit" anyone can easily look them up while reading the text.
  • 4
    Hmmm, is this a sign you need to retrofit your resume?
  • 4
    Retro and fit both are great words. Surely combined they will be even grater.
  • 7
    I had to change all the instances of the word test to validate because "Were not really testing, were validating"

    Still having troubles working with pyvalidate and unitvalidate
  • 3
    Append "your mom can tell you what that means" to every message
  • 3
    In title: ... retrofit[1] ...

    In body:

    [1]: [retrofit](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/...)
  • 2

    "your mom can tell you what that means"

    I am going to start saying this every time there is sexual innuendo.
  • 1
    Retrofit is pretty common these days

    They must be either so outdated or so jealous of you
  • 1
  • 0
    "None of those words are in the Bible! You have to dumb it down for the 99 year olds in the audience!"
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