  • 13
    What has been seen can never be unseen
  • 2
    More like a goose though. Anyway... Once seen, can't be unseen.
  • 0
    @illusion466 it probably could be a keyboard connector, so yea... it will definitely help u code... as a matter of fact, it’ll b essential 😎😎😂😂
  • 2
    Is it a rubber.. Ducky..?

    Then, would that make it a USB... Rubber Ducky..? XD
  • 0
    USB: laughing in duck
  • 0
    My imagination must be failing me. Where's the duck? 🦆
  • 0
    @aaxa The two holes in handle are the eyes and the metal part is the beak. *flies away*
  • 0
    @JFK422 Oh. Haha 😂 I see it now
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