
fuck this shit
who deployes 200 lines of js lambda functions with Zero comments or description
also they using variables not even initilized
it feels like some1 just c/p GPT code

  • 2
    Probably is gpt code….
  • 2
    maybe gpt also deployed it because gpt wanted that when talked to other gpt

    what’s real ?
  • 2
    I wanna reach this level and have someone complain about me 😋
  • 2
    > js
    > variables not even initialized

    Wut? I'm not a JS dev, but I don't think variables need to be declared and initialized on different steps
  • 1
    @jestdotty I will find you and destroy you
  • 0
    IIRC the JS "engine" doesn't really need variables to be initialised.
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