I've been busting my ass all evening, trying to land a job before anyone catches wind that I lost mine. I mean, I've got a wife and two kids to support!! Anyway, my daughter storms in after being out from dawn till dusk and starts going at it with me, I'm so stressed I feel like I'm trying to debug a complex program with a thousand errors popping up every minute . Now she's giving me the silent treatment, just another thing to add to the stress pile... sigh. Guess I'll keep pounding the pavement. If anyone has any helpful tips, please share. :-(

  • 2
    "trying to land a job before anyone catches wind that I lost mine"

    helpful tip: don't needlessly stress yourself out more than you have by pretending anything. for starters your family SHOULD definitely know, and probably oughta support you. and everyone elses opinion doesn't matter.

    also: condoms. three kids are much harder to support than two. take precautions.
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