You don't need to pay attention to class if you can hack into your university's servers and change your grades 🤔😎

  • 8
    In most colleges attendance is not required. Why are you there?
  • 17
    did you just hack by making your terminal full screen and typing this:

    color 0a
    cd C:\
  • 9
    @calmyourtities nah, cmatrix command in ubuntu
  • 1
    @RRosmaninho #greenrain #coderain I’m such a fan of this!
  • 1
    Good screensaver tho'
    Kinda lit
  • 13
    Matrix screensavers don’t make you a hacker :P
  • 9
    Cheating will eventually backfire on you when you finally get a job, but end up getting fired because you have no idea what your doing. You're not there for grades, you're there to learn.
  • 5
    He's there for the cmatrix photo ops
  • 6
    Dude, now you only need to wear a hoodie in a dark room while hacking stuff to become a Hollywood hacker! 😎
  • 2
    Color oc
    Cd C:/
    Dir /a /s

    Works well too
  • 4
    Long time ago, in a galaxy far away, I actually accessed to the University grades server.
    It was simpler times, telnet was world open and the password was easy to guess.
    It was a Vax system. I changed no grades 😛
  • 3
    When hacking a server looks like the matrix. :D
    You're doing it wrong.
  • 4
  • 3
    @Wackoo most of my learning, especially technical, has been outside the classroom.
    Learning never stops. It's the school/college which sucks sometimes
  • 0
    @gorsamp intendence is not required because the uni sucked the money out of your already, most of them don’t care what you do, as long as they get paid.
  • 1
    @marcusp619 I understand that. Why, if OP can hack his grades and is just going to fool around in class and not pay attention, does he even go to class? He is wasting his time, distracting classmates, or he is lying and making a joke about how easy it could be to be lazy and distracting.
  • 0
    @gorsamp it was just a joke dude. It took 2 minutes to put together.
  • 1
    @JohnCdf It's just a joke
  • 2
    @Wackoo It was just a joke dude
  • 2
    Wrong wrong wrong, go to class is not for your grades. It's to hook up some girls or boys... pay attention to them.
  • 1
    @RRosmaninho I figured. 100 ++'s, seems many people are enjoying the joke, I guess I am just a sourpuss.
  • 2
    Eu não estava a brincar, tinha mesmo a senha 😄
    mais tarde tive acesso legal ao mesmo sistema, até escrevi um processo automático para retirar todas as notas de uma das faculdades.
    A password continuou a mesma até aquilo ser desligado.
  • 2
    @nbamaral ahahah sim senhor 😂
  • 0
  • 0
    Cmatrix doesn't make you a hack3r
  • 4
    @RRosmaninho Please do not create multiple accounts to upvote your own rants. If it's good, it will get the attention it deserves.
  • 0
    Is that UA, @RRosmaninho?
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