

Do u believe this?

Can u verify or analyze this?

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    96% people working during a period of growth VS 86% during a recession doesn’t seem so crazy to me.
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    there was some guy in the 80s or 90s or something from a uni that had a much grimer outlook

    it involved looking at labour participation

    and he noticed specifically men of working age were just horribly decreasing in participation for decades

    hahaha and then there was a report that came out recently that said
    in 2021 top 100 companies in S&P hired 300k new employees
    94% of those hires were people of color

    so I'm thinking the wokeness and anti male and anti white stuff might be a contributing factor

    chatGPT and other AIs, id you tell them "I'm proud to be black" or "I'm proud to be white" you can tell who is ok and who isn't... apparently whites and Russians are not ok

    discrimination just has a new face now. why? it all sounds like nonsense to me
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    oh yeah, anecdotally I can confirm at least in California it seems a friend of mine has trouble getting hired anywhere

    they just hire Mexicans or women
    and it's not merit based

    not that he said that
    but it's the only way I can explain watching his experiences
    he's middle aged by this point and worked office construction jobs due to an injury all his life, but it's abysmally difficult to get hired. someone will contact him, offer him a job, then ghost him, then he sees the post back up. stuff like that. and it's rare people get back to him in the first place. but he has a lot of experience. and even if he gets hired it seems to be a lot of women... who don't seem to know anything about construction... and complain about having to talk to the field guys and insult them... because of their male characteristics (though they don't know that's why they're insulting them, they use other words)

    but California is undoubtedly gonna be the worst of this
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    One of the funniest parts of all this is before the concept of machines and the industrial period, it took dozens of people to perform every part of any farm, and the population of any country did not exceed ten million people.

    Now two people can use an enormous harvester to do most of the work needed on a farm which grows wheat or corn, and some countries have billions of people.

    Maybe jobs is slowly becoming not a way to earn a steady income. Statistically by average of a random sample of people per income from jobs, this is moreso becoming the case.

    The article is also talking about people who have accredited college degrees, which they worked for and have debt now for, and work experience.
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