
- Mom, can we have [the technology of this modern world] at home?
- No, we already have [the technology of this modern world] at home.
- [the technology of this modern world] at home:


  • 0
    Who OCR’s javascript?
    And why?
  • 1
    How much longer until people realize that developing with JavaScript will bring the Date of the next software crisis closer by the minute?
  • 1
    @Root Those are mere visuals to show off hacker-ish setup. Just watch the trailer and find out what this is about. But I'm clueless as you are on why they needed to obscure it with garbage symbols...
  • 1
    @Chewbanacas That's kind of a point of this shitpost. "The technology of this modern world" at home: a cheapskate technology. Watch the game trailer to see it in context: https://youtube.com/watch/...

    "Mom, can we have X at home?" is a popular meme!
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