
For the first time, after 4 years, i have installed tinder. I feel depressed for having to do vengeance. And i also feel depressed for not having to do it. I feel sad for being forced to find another girl. This is not how i imagined it to be

Right now its 1-0 for my blonde ex gf. I have to have a random hookup at least a 1 night stand to make this 1-1. This is what i did before but now after experiencing love for the first time, true love in the first 2 years with her, for the first time that somebody genuinely loved me other than my parents, is very hard for me to go back to random hookups

Hookups are meaningless to me now. But i am forced. I have been given a check mate

⚠️Why do i have to be forced to fuck another girl in order to prove my girlfriend that other girls still want me, so that my girlfriend will love and want me again as well?....⚠️

Please reread this paragraph above 3 more times. Let it sink in. That is saddening to me. The more she sees how no other girl wants me, the less interest she has in me....

Im literally sitting. Listening to sad depressing "music" which is more of nature and dark rain sounds. I also started working out aggressively. I couldnt eat for 5 days due to finding chats on my blonde ex gfs phone with the other guy...

Now 8 days later... I have lost 6 kg and counting. I am barely eating. I am using the screenshots of their chats as an overdosed injection of adrenaline every time pre workout and during workout

Today she didnt text me at all. I always start the conversation first. I have to move on and i am still in disbelief that i have to do it.

My birthday is next week and the last thing i need is to spend being depressed....

I feel lost

But i have a feeling all i need to do is get rich. All i need is to get my money up and that way find more easily a new better behaved normal gf.

God help me

Forgive me God for everything

Thank you God for everything

Guide me God on the right path, for i am lost



  • 3
    awww... poor heart =[

    maybe you'll find someone nice you'll get along with better thooo
  • 3
    what a loser lmao
  • 3
    @retoor, your services are needed.

  • 6
    @SidTheITGuy can we appreciate for one second that his post is not about shitting for once?
  • 0
    Hope you're not using that used car gangster's photo in your tinder profile, that could end really badly.
  • 3
    Usually you make my blood boil from all your bullshit, but this time...

    I'm very sorry you had to go through that, I can't imagine how horrible you must feel.

    But if you'll allow me to give you one piece of advice, a "revenge hookup" won't make you feel better, and even if it might make your girl like you again, trust me, you don't want that.
    As much as it hurts, don't try to gain her back, especially in such a way. If the only way for her to love you is for you to treat her as horribly as she did to you. She's not worth it.
    So please don't do this to yourself, it will only make you more miserable in the long run.

    The best you can do for yourself is simply walk away. Don't give her the satisfaction of living in your head rent free while you're plotting something while suffering inside.

    Toxic people like that who would cheat deserve to be left and forgotten.
  • 0
    @donkulator i dont have time to troll nor am i in the mood for it especially waste my time on tinder. I came there to achieve a goal and so i have to use my real normal pics
  • 3
    @SoldierOfCode agreed. I did have a random hookup with some fwb girl ive been in touch with earlier, after breaking up with my then gf, july 1 2020. I did revenge hookup. I thought it would fill the void inside of me. It didnt. The hookup girl went home at around 1 am and i went outside in the street at 3-4 am, sitting alone, nobody outside, and looking at the sky, not understanding why. I think the only thing that can fill the void is love. Love from a normal girl who actually wants to show love... Literal 1 drop of love is enough to make me forget the previous girl and pay attention to the new girl who shows me love... But almost nobody shows me love. Either and mostly nobody wants to give me a chance, or they use me as a random fucktoy, all lust no love. I didnt come from a broken family to want lust. I never wanted it. All i wanted was love, genuine warm love from just 1 girl and i am happy. But that 1 thing i wanted seems like im asking for the entire world's luxury....
  • 2
    @b2plane maybe take some time to sort yourself out. Do you like/love yourself? Do you set aside a bit of time to you? Do you have any hobbies that allowed you to focus that you have stopped doing?
  • 2
    God, you make me sick... "Im forced to fuck another girl"... You're disgusting and the way you look at others is disgusting. You constantly see yourself as an eternal victim, yet the moment you're ok you call yourself a god and talk about others as if they are literal Trash. From your past posts you also treated your ex as trash and now you're acting as if this is something done to you by force... Get a fucking reality check and get your shit together. As you do to others, so will they do to you... Maybe if you become a decent human you will deserve a decent human back...
  • 0
    @jestdotty yeah, "loving and being loved" are important.
  • 1
    @jestdotty you should take more than 1 semester of psychology 101 before you try to psychoanalyze people. It's as if you have the memory of a goldfish and disregard all of his previous posts, pretending as if this post happened in a vacuum.
  • 3
    we go gym
  • 0
    @Hazarth on devrant i play a character that doesnt exist in reality, painting a false reality of the type of person you cant help but hate and shit on. Irl and in other social medias im the person you would never guess. Im a shadow here, dumping the dark side out of me so i dont have to do it irl. Therefore whatever u say or think about me is meaningless, as you're arguing with air, arguing with entity that doesnt even exist. In fact its funny to me a bit since u look like a lunatic talking to air
  • 0
    @Hazarth empty your cup
  • 0

    if you're hallucinating all this: get help. now.

    if this is all serious reality: get help. now.
  • 1
    @b2plane my god, then don't tag your hallucinations as "rant". DevRant is not your personal blog. Make yourself a blog site for this shit or at the very fucking least tag it as a joke/meme.

    What the hell, people like you acrively make DevRant worse and make the filter option useless. Good fucking job you dumbass
  • 1
    @Hazarth You losing your shit made me lose my shit 🤣
  • 1
    @kanyewest yeah, It's pissing me off when they use the "It's a prank bruh" argument while literally on a platform that has a "joke/meme" tag for exactly this use-case -_-... It's like a dumb user not understanding a very clear platform design!
  • 1
    Whatever shit you're going through, all I see that you need is to love yourself. Like genuinely, who you are, what you are, what you like to do...

    I am not talking about narcissistic kind, but genuinely liking yourself with who you are.

    I like that I look as I look, I like that I do things that I do, I like how I treat other people - that kind of things

    If there is something you don't love about yourself, change that shit into something you will love. Fat and hating it, get lean. Bitching all the time and don't like whining, well stop and think about silver lining in the shit that just happened. You will be happier person and shit happening won't have the effect on you.

    If you want change in your life (especially how others treat you), start with yourself.

    Worked for me countless times and still does.
  • 0
    Also what will make you happier is to look what people you care about need, not what you need.

    Seems counter intuitive, but when you treat people nice and help them, most of them will return it eventualy.

    Don't sweat if they don't.
  • 0
    where's that guy who fucked like a lot of whores bareback just to get HIV so he can pass it on to his cheating whore of a wife?
  • 0
    @molaram probably in a grave, by now.
  • 0
    @molaram holy fuck
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