
- Hey, I need to do X and I need your department to do it.
- "We can't do X, this is against company policy!"
- Oh, sorry, I didn't know. But I will have to justify it to my boss, can you point me to where in the policy it says you can't do X?
- "No I can't, it won't be there. It is just common sense"
- Wait, what? You saying you can't do something because it is against the company policy even though there is no restriction against it in company policy?!
- "Other companies don't do it either"
- I will need you to say that in writing, I need to explain it to my boss.
- "Our email server is FUBAR"
- It can be hand-written
- "I can't give a declaration in name of my department!"
- Wait, so you can interpret company policy any way you want, make decisions regardless of what the policy actually says but you can't own up to it in writing?!?
- "..."
- ...

(Some context: I've been emailing them about X for more than a week. Just got crickets for a response. Not even an evasive coward response, just no answer at all. And calling them leaves no paper trail. Fucking oxygen thiefs)

For fuck sake, are non-tech departments always filled with complete morons?!? Does anyone have ever worked with smart, or at least minimally-coherent non-tech people?!?!
Seriously, does anyone there have some story about some non-stupid non-tech/analog/muggle coworker?!?
I'm inclined to think that anyone who can think systematically is either working in tech or not working at all.

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    Out of context, both sides could be wrong. I'm still not sure which was your part of the conversation.
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    I had to explain to non tech people in an external company how they have to do their work. I do not believe of intelligent life forms in non tech departments either.
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    @jestdotty I believe managers don’t become managers because they’re good at the technicalities, but rather in leading other people
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    @Chewbanacas probably just power hungry I think and want to have the authority people can't say no to without annoying consequences like being fired for insubordination

    judging from a bunch of stories

    then they sit there and halt a whole department to death, because it becomes a revolving door, and the company is told by them "there is just no good help to find!"
  • 1
    @usr--2ndry I mostly needed them to fill out some forms and produce some documents (that are well within their purveyor). All as a part of my actual task.
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    To play devil’s advocate 😈

    It is common that there is no detailed document called ”company policy” with all the rules. I do not know of such a document at my company. But over the years some employees have built a perception of what is against company policy - based on stuff like statements from the high ranking managers.

    One example from my company: a few years ago in my country - some competitor accidentally posted news like ”The President is Dead” in a CMS they thought was a staging CMS. And some personal data was leaked because someone used a public sharing service to quickly send info to a stressed customer.
    Our CEO commented on these incidents and said we should never do that. We stick by it - Yet I’m not aware of any ”company policy document”

    PS: I’m sure your request was nothing like that - so my post will seem
    dumb. But just saying.
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