
I fucking hate picking a linux distro, I always end up regretting my choice nonetheless because my fucking laptop is so old anything is too irritating for it to run and every distro has some mild annoyances that I fixate on them and cannot keep my stupid miserable brain to just let it go

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    Debian ftw.
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    @NeatNerdPrime I like debian but the packages are old even building from source sometimes doesn't work so I'll end up maintaining the dependency as well as the application and I can't be bothered with sid tbh
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    I think I have that problem finally solved. Nixos. After learning a language for the configuration, using flakes to version the software, configure my dot files with home manager, and git versioning everything; that was a huge initial investment. But now I can just download my git repository on any machine, run it, and my setup builds.

    That initial investment makes any other distribution just costly in terms of switching. I'd lose the rest of having everything that works on my desktop auto-work on my laptop.

    Maybe it's sunken cost fallacy... But... Thinking of switching now feels not worth it.
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    Ubuntu or debian. Just wasting your fucking time otherwise.

    Nixos? Guix shit? FUCK THAT SHIT!!!!

    Nobody wants to replicate your shit into gazillion machines. Unless you keep bricking your own machine!
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    Its that Linux Jank!
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    Debian with Mate DE all the way. Unless you are doing cutting edge stuff, the libraries being technically out of date matters very little.
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    @cuddlyogre I used to do Debian a long time ago. Then they started the bullshit that apps were not open enough because they had a trademark on a fucking logo. They did the Ice Weasel bullshit. I was done with that bullshit. Used Ubuntu after that.
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    @jassole What about Fedora though? but I feel they're moving too fast for my potato laptop and I don't like when all linux youtubers agree on something
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    @mkamelll depends on what you want to do. Afaik its a testbed for red hat. Use a stable distro if you want to get work done. Personally I prefer a mac.
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    Treat yourself and just go with XP 🤗
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    It is kind of ironic when Linux users bash Windows and Mac users saying they don’t know how much time they are wasting on a subpar OS

    And when asked about how they save time on Linux some go ”Ehrm.. I mostly spend time reinstalling it. i switch distros every 3 weeks”
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    @jiraTicket if you are into modding games, and all the tools assume you are running windows... I also don't care for the Linux jank. Just dealing with that today at work. Running Ubuntu at work and Windows 10 at home. I find I have significantly more jank in Linux than I do Windows. At least the last couple of years. I want to have fun at home. I also maintain an Ubuntu server for Minecraft at home. It seems to have much less jank that a Linux desktop install. So Linux for server is a lot nicer experience than Linux for desktop.
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