Washington is awesome, Microsoft is awesome, I love this place

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    Meth user detected...
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    This must be ragebait 😂
    If you’re serious tho, get help…
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    @Chewbanacas new word learned!
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    Stockholm syndrome?
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    @connormon maybe we need to rename it Redmond syndrome.
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    drunk on fangness, have you survived your first layoffs already?
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    Ive heard the same about north korea and their social welfare programs.
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    @awesomeest microsoft does have a "its for your own good" vibe going at times...
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    @Demolishun way too much of one... this regime started when the plebians found out there was a real admin account near BIOS level and started sharing the info to their underlings. Now the accounts say "Administrator" yet dont give rights to system files and give pop-ups if you try using the admin cmd.
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    @awesomeest Bill Gates has always had connections with what I would consider sketchy or privileged organizations (people who espouse the philosophy of eugenics). A relative helped him land contracts with government to help push out early competition. He sold phone adapters so in college so people could get free long distance. He is the epitome of scum. He would give mainframes viruses and then sell the cure. I think in the future people will recognize him as a mass murderer. I didn't understand the pie to the face that he got in the 80s/90s until a few years ago. I used to believe the propaganda surrounding his success. There is a lot of good reasons his wife left him.

    Anyway, I need to stop. People get all bent out of shape if I go further.
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    @Demolishun lol... it takes A LOT to get me at all bent out of shape. My frame of reference on 'normal' is much different (though i suppose much more accurate) than a typical person's. I've been fixing computers since 2000 (age 8). It took awhile for people to realise that the kid who fixed their BSOD also, inherently, saw at least what they were looking at/did b4 it crashed. By then any damage was done. In consulting and tech (incl security) as an adult, the patterns remain the same. Well over 2 decades seeing everyone's dirty laundry, i can conclude one simple fact... over 99% of people are scum and/or think they are, at least by social norms.

    Everyone used to say gay porn on your pc/history meant you were gay, but just about everyone has it, unless they are super gay and lying to themselves-- then it's all very very straight porn. Real scum is similar. After so long with a viewpoint of everyone naked, i know the worst people tend to think they are saviours-- like bill gates.
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