What was your first big project after learning a programming/markup language?

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    My first project was working on UK tax system
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    Not a project but I remember creating porn like graphics when I first learned graphics.h library in C++
    //At least I tried
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    Programmed motors and rotors for a robot... and compete in a robot tournament called Vex Robotics ;).. but in terms of real program language/markup language i’d say website via html, css using dreamweaver
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    @Aitkotw nice work haha your very alive during your youth days haha...
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    Working on web applications that replaced parts of an erp system (sage 1000).
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    I tried to build a operating-system in the web by my own.
    I failed horribly :D
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    @plusgut wow that’s a good idea a vm in a website :) maybe today you can do it.. I wanna be part of that
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    @rui725 yea, no. Nobody really needs that. And it's to much work.
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    Made a social media site in php procedurally back in 08 😂
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    Detecting the exact time (± 10 seconds) my bus will arrive at the bus station through a camera attached to a Raspi 2.
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