
Between me and my wife, we pull in 300k CAD a year, but we're still middle class. We should be fucking ballers living in a mansion, but I'm still budgeting at the grocery store.

I can afford to keep my house up, raise a family, and have 1 nice vacation a year. I guess it's fucked to complain since others are struggling to eat.

Still it seems crazy.

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    Social mobility is fundamentally incompatible with a model based on greed, hence why it's merely a promise or rather carrot on a stick.

    We are to be bled, and this is by design. I just woke up and it took me 45 minutes to write these two sentences, I counted.
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    @donkulator probably. But mostly just pissed off at the prices of things.

    You bust your ass off to make it, and the goal post moves.
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    I am on the same boat of feeling that my paycheck was supposed to allow me to have a better living standard.

    I try to tell myself that it’s a Canadian thing (I’m also here) and that maybe somewhere else things are better, who knows where…
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    @lungdart it is intentional. As is inflation. It is not enough to steal your money with taxes. They steal it through inflation as well. You are not supposed to win. The goal is putting everyone on the government dole. Then the politicians can dictate your life. It is prepping for a Chinese style social credit system.
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    @Demolishun setting aside the intentional misunderstanding of how floating currency, profit motive, and the motive for a social credit system existing, there is zero evidence that social programs cause this dependency at scale.
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    @jestdotty Selfishness is when there's enough in the pot for two and you eat it all yourself, despite knowing your brother is hungry; greed is the *desire* that fuels such an act -- I want it and I must have it, no matter what.

    Social mobility, in short, means one's socio-economic situation can change. I specifically had "upward mobility" in mind, which generally alludes to getting richer from studying and working hard being entirely possible. Obviously bullshit in this context, nevermind the covert elitists in disagreement.

    I'll say mostly the same for any matter revolving around an individual having to exert additional effort just to afford the basic necessities of life, which should __not__ be inaccessible to begin with. Yet food and medicine are more expensive today than they were twenty years ago. Are we supposed to call that shit "progress"? Are we supposed to think it's fair?

    Blood from a stone, and stones have killed giants before, so mother fuckers beware.
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    @Liebranca I see the same sentiment everywhere these days.
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    @jestdotty even before the worst inflation hit we were getting shrinkflation. To me that is deception in order to earn more money.
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    @jestdotty Say it's your favorite dish, and you'd absolutely enjoy having a second serving, but you can tell that doing so would mean either very little or nothing is left for your brother.

    Look at it from both moral and logical angles, from neither it's sensible. It could be harmful to you and will certainly be harmful to the other person. So why do it? Because it's delicious, and you can't help but want more.

    Now, I'm the Eye of Evil, so of course I'd be the one to answer questions about deadly sins. And technically, what I described is gluttony, that is, craving more than you need for the pleasure of it's consumption. Greed is centered around *acquiring* as much as possible just to keep it to yourself, forever. And lust... well, you can figure that one out yourself ;>

    But they overlap; the pot example explains the core of all three. Wanting beyond reason is a good summary.

    Have I felt it? Yes. Let's leave it at that.
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    you could move out of canada and enjoy your salaries in countries with lower avg revenues ...

    Checkout Morocco, it is nice and has everything you may need for a family :)
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    @jestdotty 37k? You're being swindled
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    @lungdart yeah I was, duh. I'm like a golden goose that kept laying eggs so they kept beating it with a stick, then put it as a lucky charm ornament everywhere they could and would fight over it but I just wanna go outside and frolic in the lake
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