
Ok... the devs at doordash are even dumber than i thought.
I placed an order for bubble tea like 2 hrs ago, its 22:13 now. It still says assigning a dasher. I look at the 'store' page and its been closed since 22:00. I look for a cancel button so i dont get annoying pings etc...

I go to help and select to cancel it. Then it tells me they r sry for the delay but if i wait it should be here in ~35min and they'll give me 15$ credit (whole order was 17) so ofc i clicked that... cuz it's closed, im gonna get a refund when someone realises its closed, now i get an extra 15$.

Why didn't they write in a simple check of the hours of the store so they stop looking for someone to get a non-existent item from a closed store? It's not like they dont know its closed.

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    roomie has always been ordering if we do takeout and we went through just eat and a bunch of delivery food services over time

    every one of them is so bad and stupid I was actually seriously considering writing up their website for them and then contacting them telling them to use it just so we could order food properly

    I have no idea what's up with those businesses
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    A lot of the issues I had with DoorDash has nothing to do with “we have lots of users”, it’s stuff that can be avoided even with tiny load or user base like seeing Chinese restaurants or McDonald’s when I search for pizza. If it was a lots of users issue I would’ve seen slow loading but accurate results.

    This is all due respect to the DoorDash devs who are probably new to a bad code base and have to figure out how to add to it without crashing and convincing there’s refactoring that has to be done like now bc the code base is dying
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    Edit: sorry if what I say is inaccurate. I don’t know how big restaurants that make kids sick using a clown that promises them a free hot wheels car with their happy meal operate

    Edit again: I’m a late 30s old ass so maybe hot wheels aren’t offered anymore lol
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    Those companies don't make money, they run in the red. Their primary focus is cost reduction and acquiring funding, so there's no business value in fixing simple UX issues that don't have impact on order numbers.

    Don't blame the devs, blame management and leadership. Devs rarely get to make decisions of what to actually dev. You guys know this, come on!
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    @lungdart as I said, the devs likely had to inherit shitty code and work with it or had to beg to improve it. I’ve been that dev a few times
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    @TeachMeCode we all have. :'(
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    @TeachMeCode hot wheels would be a nice toy compared to the trash they put in happy meals now.
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    @lungdart so true... even i have and ive never even worked as a collaborative code monkey :'-(
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    So there's a HUGE update to this thread... like so huge i had to do a 'is this real life' and 'is there any way im on a large amount of drugs i didn't willingly take' check in real time with a friend on a call and bits of video chat.

    When i get time in the next day or so ill write it up in a new thread... it's SOOOO much more wtf than this... i still haven't reached the mysterious conclusion. I almost want to publish it in chapters for suspense and speculation; i wouldnt even need to exaggerate/belittle or otherwise distort the raw factual events/timeline... even my imagination got majorly pwned by what happened.
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