
Got rejected by a very good girl for Arrange marriage becuase I used drink alcohol 4 years ago.

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    Indian culture is so fascinating to me.
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    Did you already meet her parents?
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    Why would you even mention that, damn
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    Rejected for arranged marriage. This is a whole new level.
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    So is alcohol not allowed at all?

    In my faith we use alcohol in our ceremonies. So this concept is really different for me.
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    Marriage is a trap anyway.

    So glad I realized before it was too late.
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    @retoor first meeting was with both family. After I met her only in cafe and It was third meeting where I mentioned things.
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    @SidTheITGuy it was in the third meeting where we were taking about Everything. I have photos and stuff in my Instagram and I didn't think it was issue because it was way in past.
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    Still, for us westerners it's bewildering that on a third "meeting" (I guess it's the right term, but I'll take it as third "date") you are discussing *marriage*.
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    @CoreFusionX the discussion for marriage start from first meeting. With each meeting you go into deeper issues.
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    @CoreFusionX a coworker told me that they have websites for it. And in short it’s like Amazon but for marriage 😂 you post your caste, income, profession, etc. sort of like trying to set a business contract.
    She ran the fuck way from India.
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    I can’t understand that. (Or don’t want to.) It just sounds so uptight. I’d hate it.

    I’m Irish. Alcohol is part of the culture. It transforms any social gathering into a more relaxed, more enjoyable occasion. You don’t need to get wasted, ofc. The presence of pints or a bottle to share is enough.

    It’s also hard to beat a good whiskey. So delicious.

    But also: arranged marriages are freaking awful. You’re going to spend your life with someone you probably won’t even like or get along with just because the pairing sounds good to other people? Fuck that! That sounds like a living hell.
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    don’t get disappointed, alcohol is a taboo in India because it’s linked to other illegal and criminal activities specially gambling and domestic violence .
    Families of girls fear this might happen to their daughters.

    1. But these day people are growing out of this mindset understanding that crime is actually committed by a person not alcohol

    2. I personally believe in your case your are better off with a girl/ family who first have faith in you as a person and vice versa
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    @Root you don't get married becuase other people think the pairing looks good. It's changed in modern time. The couple select and decide themselves after meeting multiple time.
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    @marcus5914 I would hope so! In the rest of the world, that is called dating.
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    @Root in dating you have time , “meetings” for arrange marriage you had to decide in 1-2 meetings,
    It’s very complicated
    0. Families find each other from connections or using matrimony websites
    1. It starts with two family meetings
    2. If 1 has green flag from both families then few meetings between couples
    3. If all ok at 2 and there is a green flag from both side then you have horoscopes match ( these days families might usually decide to skip it )
    4. If 3 is have a good match or a skip then there is something called “Roka”
    It a religious promise by two families that couples will marry in future and they will try to find the dates
    5. Suppose dates are 2 months away so in this two months couples have time to meet, chat more about stuff.
    6. If there is some problem identified in step 5 “Roka” is broken and you are back to 0
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    If all ok in 5 now you do the pre-wedding shoots all other stupid things
    7. at the end point here the marriage functions can last from weeks to a month
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    @hardfault So very glad I’m Irish and not Indian.
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    @Root well Indian temples have porn carvings on the outside.
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