To anyone who likes to solve problems, here's one:

How can I (m29) get the idea into my boss' thick skull (m50), that the crisis meeting he had with the client could be averted by just using what every other software development company uses (git), without being explained what the difference between a .java and .class file is?

  • 7
    But that‘s not a technical problem. It’s a sociological one. It’s above my pay grade.
  • 0
    So they can comprehend:

    It's a battlefield tested, truly free, backup system that stores changes to files instead of the whole files every time you want to save a change.

    So when things go wrong in production, or on a Dev's local machine, it will take only moments to bring the code back into the desired state and things can get going again.

    Every software company on this planet uses git or some variant because of its power and flexibility not to mention the time saving opportunities like cicd we can't practically explore without it
  • 3
    Shit situation op sorry to hear
  • 4
    Tell him "It's a software notary, that authenticates every change made to each document in the software.
    Thus you and the client can both sign under any published change, and track every line that was altered.
    Then the client won't be able to blame us if they mess up their files.
    As a bonus, it gives us a backup.
    Fully protected by an NDA, of course - if any of our material is leaked or compromised, we get to sue Microsoft - the windows manufacturer."
  • 7
    Tell him it's blockchain and AI and bleeding edge and serverless and also lambda.
  • 0
    @AlgoRythm that would deter him even more
  • 1
    @JsonBoa thanks mate, that might stick
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