
the west, in my experience, makes impressions and promises that they will deliver idealistic outcomes

but when it comes to actually delivering on these outcomes they fall short or pretend they never said those things or otherwise change the topic, maybe slander you

how does everyone, and / or you specifically, deal with this and navigate it? howcome the west is a high-trust society, otherwise said to be prosperous, when it is in the culture to promise a lot and idealize, but the execution is often so lacking? so lacking to such a degree, so defensive if asked about, that it ends up feeling like outright lies? so howcome it functions as a high-trust society? 🤔

  • 0
    Nice examples.
  • 1
    Here in Germany overpromising and lying mainly a thing that politicians do and it gets worse when elections are due. Also our local municipality politicians don’t lie as much as the federal state or country politicians.
  • 2
    The usual marketing and sales wanks are also guilty for this. It’s their job, I suppose.
  • 1
    I‘m an engineer and scientist. IDGAF about politics or marketing. I only take scientific evidence or tech data as granted.
  • 2
    High trust society generally means things like open government records. Freedom of press. Predictable institutions.

    Your post is about .. foreign policy? Social movements? United States? Needs more specifics.
  • 1
    @jestdotty This sounds like bad work ethic and missing employee rights. This might be a particular problem in the US.
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