
Hate google chat.

Won't let me upload multiple files at the same time.

  • 0
    and it would prob be a pain in the ass to try and script it too I bet.
  • 5
    Dafuq is google chat?
  • 0
    Do you know what I would do if I had a million dollars? I would upload 2 files at once. I figure if I had a million dollars I could figure out a way to upload 2 files at once.

    You get a bonus if you know what that is from.
  • 1
    @Demolishun Two files at the same time, man.
  • 2
    What does this rant have to do with devRant?
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    @Root this post just screams "skill issue". But I don't know nothin' 'bout that.
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    @Root devrant won't let you upload two files at the same time either
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    Good riddance. After becoming more aware of their intrusive use of AI, you would sing another song: "Don't let me upload at all, Google"
  • 2
    @Lensflare the spawn of Handout which is itself comes from google talk.

    Many revisions to "improve" the original gtalk but never really did!
  • 2
    Their code is bloated from years of dumping more code on an already bloated(mainly through closure library) code. In October closure library will go into maintance aka deprecated Mode and thereby all apps depending on it have to decide to either continue with their own copy or jump ship to modern frameworks!
  • 1
    @max19931 surely google is gonna kill it at that point, like the did to all their other projects not to mention hangouts
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