Friend sees me learning React js.

Friend: "Why are you always studying? Your exams are over and you already have a job."

Me: "Because I don't know it and it looks interesting?"

Friend: "What a waste of time..."

I try to upskill myself and friend gives me shit.

He's the type of guy that would watch a 5min YouTube video on a topic and suddenly become an expert in it.

I believe that a day without new knowledge is a waste of a day.

Dont know if that's normal or I'm just weird. But I still stand by it.

  • 12
    @ThatDude I think I worded it wrong. He's more of an acquaintance.
  • 19
    I usually don't take these kind of normies seriously in these conversations. I for one love studying and I'd do it for life if I can feed myself doing so.
  • 13
    @Japorized I'm a junior dev so everyday I come across something I don't know and end up studying it when I get home.

    Not gonna be a senior dev one day from sitting on my ass complaining about boredom all day...
  • 6
    Donr worry its normal for all developers.
  • 8
    @ThatDude is right don't waste your time with whining acquaintances waste it on DevRant instead!
    We are generally more interested in what happens in the world; especially science and technology related. So we also want to improve ourselves learn more, understand more and even make us more useful from time to time.

    Welcome to the club!
  • 15
    @Nivlagx never stop learning. That's when you get old. And then you yell at kids to turn that trash off and get off your lawn 😂
  • 2
    @hjk101 This sounds like a fun club!
  • 2
    @QueenMorgana I don't plan to stop! Too much interesting things out there!
  • 1
    Why do u think ppl created devRant?
  • 2
    Oh, at work we are joking that experts are people with more than 30 minutes experience for a certain thing
  • 1
    Learning is a never ending process and studying is a never ending training. 😁 it's never a waste of time and never too late for something new.
  • 3
    He is clearly a bad developer and friend. Why would you even talk to this retard?
  • 1
    People are assuming a lot of shit here lol. Just explain him why are you studying, like in IT theres a whole another world to learn after graduation.
  • 2
    @SuryaK and that's why I love it here!
  • 1
    @LetsCodeAlready because due to certain circumstances, I'm forced to see him everyday...

    Also, he's not a developer.
  • 1
    @WorstVarNames I've tried explaining once. But he just says to watch one of those crash course - "learn a framework in 10min!" YouTube videos and im good...
  • 4
    Let him bathe in his ignorance. It's like his willingly making himself uncompetitive in the marketplace, nothing bad about it for you 😄
  • 1
    @Nivlagx ah, it all makes a lot more sense then
  • 3


    Just yes. You get me.
  • 2
    You are totally normal!! There's nothing weird about it. Learning new things seems fun..
  • 0
    I wish i was like you but I keep procrastinating... Keep up the good work... And you probably need to reconsider your friends...
  • 0
  • 0
    One of my friend keep reading all the time. Preparing for exam and all, all the time. He cleared SSC (People from India will know, what SSC is). Worked as Clerk for 2 years.

    Give exams again and he is Now inspector(some kind of) in Indian High Court. He still reading, he want to become "District Magistrate". And i am sure he will be one day.

    Keep learning something new. Let people say whatever they want. Only you will uproar.
  • 0
    I think the thought of learning is the way of life is, especially, common here.

    But in general good developers have this mindset, otherwise they'd not be good. imo
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