
The more JavaScript I need to review, the more I realize it's a hack on top of its previous design

..in a loop, human centipede style

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    A hack of a hack of a hack of a...
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    The original design was scrapped because it should look more like the new and hyped Java. So the previous design was Frankenstein’s monster, which was later hacked continuously into its current shape.
    If it could speak, it would slowly say "kill meee!"
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    and bizarrely, every improvement it ever received other than unfucking very silly inconsistencies has pointed towards object-oriented programming when it's ALREADY A LISP and it never was a half-decent object-oriented language because it doesn't have and never can have their level of safety and analysis.
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    So are all PHP haters just Javascript chimps?

    @mostr4am what are the lore implications of this?
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    @Demolishun no idea but im gonna throw a tantrum anyway
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    On the other hand, Javascript has never has any breaking changes. So it it works once, it keeps working.

    Better than all those JS framworks that keep on braking stuff (looking at you jQuery).
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    @WillemD breaking changes for frameworks are ok if a proper semantic versioning is used.

    For languages, it’s a dilemma: Break stuff and become better or be shit forever.
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    @Lensflare Even if jQuery uses proper semantic versioning (they might, i dunno), we still had to replace all old jQuery with the new version. Reason was that some kind of security tool said old jquery was unsafe. And since jQuery likes to deprecate stuff, we had to change a lot of existing code, including many jQuery plugins. If you include all regression testing, this was a pretty big effort, pretty much for nothing.

    Deprecated stuff included things like $.isArray. While this function is pretty useless (Array.IsArray does the same), they could also simply leave it in, and not forced everyone using jQuery to update their code.

    I think many of these frameworks are made by very dedicated and smart people (smarter then me). But there is no parental supervision. These libraries are not made as a service to the people using then, but because the creators enjoy making them.

    I am becoming more and more reluctant to use any framework at all.
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    @WillemD I agree that it’s a pain in the ass, but if your security tool forces you to use a new version of a framework which has breaking changes, then the security tool is to blame, not the framework.

    You can’t expect frameworks to never make breaking changes. Most of the time there are good reasons to remove apis and enforce the usage of newer ones. If old stuff wouldn’t be removed, people would use the old stuff forever, making the software potentially less secure or less correct (more buggy).
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    @Lensflare I can see wisdom in what you are saying.

    I think the decision to use any framework or library needs to be a deliberate one. Doing everything yourself is bad, as you are re-inventing every wheel you use. But using 100+ libraries to do simple stuff is also bad.
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    The more i review code in any language, the more and more I realize that its always people's fault.

    Any code can be written the right way, some looks and works better than the others, but people always make mess, no matter the language or framework involved.

    It's not language that is spaghetti, its the things people wrote.
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    Welcome to my job.
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    Developed in 10 days at Netscape. Because good things don’t take long.
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