
anyone seen "team player" on a job post and been excited about it =-=

I get PTSD every time so I'd appreciate some stories where the word was used meaningfully. in my case it was a manager who would bully people into overtime except there wasn't any work to do. she was just stressed and kept bullying people to be at the office late in the evenings or when they got home or start blasting their phone on the weekends because "ohno something broke so our whole team should be all hands on deck". so if a staging database was broken and the system admin who synchronized all the fields messed something up then she would stick us into a 4 hour meeting of her chitchatting about how she hates the client... inviting q&a and all the software architects and programmers... for a fucking column in a database being configured slightly incorrectly. and talking the ear off the system admin so he can't fix it and we're all stuck there for 6 hours. after the sys admin argued with her for 2 hours to no avail how I'm not necessary during these I started dodging her phone calls and she decided we should all suddenly do "team reviews" and wrote beside my name that I'm not a team player. the CEO threw the paper out and viewed it as a waste of time and it was forgotten... but what the fuck does team player mean other than "let me abuse you and ignore your priorities and then bully you when you do alternative measures to deal with me" =-=

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    In my experience 'team player' means one, or a combination of the following:

    - When someone does something dumb that may have a negative impact on your work, never tell them off or even scold them for that. That's highly impolite and offensive... because apparently the person is a fucking child and nothing is _ever_ their fault.

    - It's not enough to be a person with answers. You have to proactively ask people whether they need help with something, preferably with a smile on your face... because some people feel like their coworkers are friends, so everyone needs to be smiling, full of fake politeness and such. You want my help? Just come to me and ask for it - it's that simple. I don't need to be friends with someone to help them out.

    - When there's a meeting/stand-up, you better be this over-enthusiastic person that just loves the attention, to be there, and to talk about things... Even when the team either does things completely unrelated to your own work, or just start...
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    ...going way off-topic, goofing off, talking about current events, telling jokes, etc. Stop wasting my fucking time with this BS. If I'm not essential to the meeting, don't force me to sit there and listen to that crap. Let me work in peace.
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