Everyone working a non-tech/programming job I talk to finds this daily standup meetings we have utterly laughable and micromanage-y.

Someone at work thought it would be nice to replace Wednesday's standup half hour with a "Wellness Wednesday" session. We had to find something around/on our desks at home that has a lot of meaning to us and show it and tell everyone why it has meaning to us. I literally couldn't find anything here besides my trusty pistol and I was like "it would be inappropriate to flash a firearm on camera in a meeting, blah blah blah." Maybe I should do more awkward shit like this so they stop this madness.

This is getting ridiculous.

  • 3
    This is such a great opportunity to get creative 😂
  • 3
    You have an actual pistol on your desk?

    America is nuts.

    People say it's about gun control, but even in the UK which has some of the strictest gun control around, I could in theory keep a shotgun by my desk if I wanted to. But nobody wants to.

    Although I must admit, there are times when giving the computer both barrels would be immensely satisfying.
  • 1
    Ok, just seen you're in South Africa.

    Make sure you keep that pistol loaded.
  • 3
    @jestdotty yeah I hate socialising with coworkers. They're not bad people, but they're not my friends either. I always opt out of social gatherings, but this was kind of sprung on me unexpectedly.
  • 2
    The minute someone shows off one of those anime pillow things, pretty sure it won't happen anymore. Especially if it's "worn in"
  • 4
    @donkulator Yes :D The other day an acquaintance told me a story about how he was sitting at home working and caught intruders red handed in his house. He pointed his pistol at them and they ran away. South Africa is nuts, I don't think people realise how much so it is. But, I wouldn't want to live anywhere else ^-^
  • 3
    Instructions unclear. Someone flashed their dick on screen.
  • 1
    @donkulator imo men can be assholes. I think all women should be armed.
  • 3
    @Demolishun Try being a woman in Africa, it's really terrifying at times.

    Also, I hope I never have to be in a situation where I have to use a gun to protect my life or that of someone else.
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