
I’m now preparing to switch jobs.
I hate interviews so much. Time to grind puzzles that I’ll never use in my real work.

  • 3
    Jump through our hoops, degrade yourself! Dance, monkey! The interview process is fucking dumb, and doesn't have any actual value other than gatekeeping. Then again, what else are people, especially boomers supposed to do to gauge your worthiness?

    Hang in there.
  • 3
    Serious question: Do you really want to work for a company that does this kind of shit?
  • 1
    @Lensflare no, but the sad reality is that almost all companies I run into do it, so I have to play their stupid trivia game. And my current workplace is going to shit.
  • 1
    @ars1 Maybe I was lucky so far but neither of the 3 companies that I worked for had this kind of interviews. Just normal development related questions.
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