Week : 50

How is the weekend going?

Which is your favorite color? Why?

Previous Week : https://devrant.com/rants/10940947

  • 5
    This weekend I learned how to change the brake oil of my bicycle.
  • 3
    Reinstalled Linux Manjaro, which stopped booting after a problem that occurred while attempting to update the packages.
  • 2
    Thought I found love again, but turned out that, like Morata, I was offside 🤷😂
  • 6
    Weekend: busy with chores, such as I can manage. Also playing Terraria with the family a little, and cooking. All in all, an okay weekend.

    Fav. color: Reddish pink
    Why? It’s pretty.
  • 3
    Had a much needed 4 day break from work, ready to start back tomorrow
  • 3
    It was good, I miss it already. Finally got my home workstation back up and running (for the most part) after the move.

    Also, red. Because Jason was the coolest Ranger when I was a kid.
  • 2
    @cafecortado mountain biker spotted
  • 2
    @capecrystal I have a miracle cure for your rectum-how about shoving a banana up your ass
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