
A mac challenges a pc to an arm wrestle…

  • 4
    So do Mac's randomly burn people alive?
  • 8
    If apple were to dominate the non -woke, non-retarded-corporate world, and they got any real traction, I would like to see these people's reaction when malware makers started to target their system if only, because they could expect better returns on their investment.
  • 1
    @CoreFusionX I got to thinking. Linux being used for servers might actually have a similarly large attack surface as Windows. Linux users are not near as many, but people/bots like to attack servers. Do servers get attacked more than desktops?
  • 7

    Overall, Linux is used more for servers than windows, yes.

    But now, stop and really think about attack vectors.

    The vector for, say, a bank, is not their Linux server. It's the stupid accountant running, of course, windows, that has access to whatever a hacker would need.

    "Attack surface" is not just "how many ways I have to hack my target directly". It also accounts for all manners of indirect access, which is why social engineering is actually a thing nowadays.
  • 1
    @Kernel lamenting the $9500 in dongles.
  • 2
    I can see a whole lot of legacy wires in windows machine
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